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Ruskin thinks ‘out of the box’ with fan coils

May 26, 2023May 26, 2023

UK: Ruskin Air Management is now offering its Hydropac EC fan coils as a complete ‘out of the box’ package.

Claimed to be an industry-first total system approach to fan coil projects, the Hydropac EC fan coil unit package includes fully integrated controls, factory set to improve accuracy and minimise commissioning time on site. This promises better long-term performance from the installed system and is claimed to reduce installation costs by as much as 70%.

Ruskin, through its group companies Actionair and Air Diffusion, takes full responsibility for the design and system components, including modulating valves, actuators and sensors, to ensure the complete package works in harmony and is tuned to match demand patterns in the building before it leaves the factory.

The system is manufactured in the UK and, by integrating the controls from the outset, Ruskin says it avoids many of the pitfalls created by having to co-ordinate a number of different suppliers. Further, the company says there are no special software tools needed to ensure the system is commissioned and calibrated as this is all taken care of by Ruskin’s in-house engineers.

Ruskin says there is also no need for the installer to carry out the usual water flow commissioning tasks as the FCUs arrive on site ready to ‘plug and play’. Wiring costs are also reduced because the Hydropac system is line voltage powered.

An online selection programme is available that allows specifiers to witness how the system is put together; the impact of adjusting air and water temperatures; and to stipulate their own control options.

Hydropac FCUs are equipped with the latest variable speed EC external rotor motor technology. The system is built around load dependant control, which reduces the amount of air passing through each unit and increaing motor operating life by 50%.

The FCUs also meet the stringent Part L 2013 requirement of 0.5W/(l/s) of air delivered, and, says Ruskin, will in most cases be well below 0.35W/(l/s).

Ruskin Air Management

Ruskin Air Management